Theses shares have dramatically advanced
over the past month . In late Feb a CNBC host alerted viewers to
unusual upside option activity. Shortly thereafter
Barclays issued an overweight - Strong Buy rating . We urge all
serious investors to place these shares on their buy list
Barclays initiates coverage on Restaurants Brands International (QSR +1%)
with an Overweight rating.
"We view fundamentals as worthy of a premium, with the combination of
outsized unit & steady comp growth, coupled with outsized free cash, and
potential to further expand the portfolio and/or accelerate the return
of cash," reasons analyst Jeffrey Bernstein.
Restaurant Brands operates over 25K outlets, almost all of them under
the franchise model.
Barclay's price target on QSR of $73 reps 18% upside potential for
Facebooks New Identity Crisis
Recent restaurant industry average ticket rose 3.1% despite worst winter
weather in years
Martha Stewart Joins The CBD Parade

Papa Johns PZZA Surges On Restructure
Possible Acquisition of Domino's Pizza
- Drives Restaurant Brands
In early February, Cowen Research characterized Domino’s
Pizza (DPZ) as a preeminent acquisition target for
Restaurant Brands International (QSR). As the potential of
such a merger has been mentioned in the
past, the big question is whether Restaurant Brands will eventually
acquire Domino’s.
Biotech Cancer Research - Shphrix Inc - 10K Results Drive Stock
The good
Restaurant Brands includes three
remarkably strong brand names in its portfolio, namely
Burger King, Tim Hortons and Popeyes. In each of the last
two years, these three quick serve chains grew their
revenues at a fast pace. More precisely, the total sales of
Restaurant Brands grew by 7.9% and 7.4%, in 2017 and 2018,
respectively. However, the vast majority of this growth came from
the opening of new stores. Same-store sales increased only 2.0% in
2017 and 1.8% in 2018.
Tesla - Consumer Reports Downgrade - Here Is Why
On the one hand, as the company still has ample room to open
numerous new stores, the poor same-store sales growth is not an
issue yet. On the other hand, the rate of opening new stores will
inevitably decrease in the future and thus the company will
eventually have to enhance its comparable sales to maintain a
satisfactory performance.
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Domino’s has an exceptional growth record in same-store
sales and earnings. The company has grown its international
same-store sales for 100 consecutive quarters and its U.S.
same-store sales for 31 consecutive quarters. Moreover, as shown in
the chart below, it is growing its same-store sales at a mid-single
digit rate, which is much higher than the growth rate of all its
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