According to the company, the ingredients in the
patent-pending solution are all approved by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration as medicines, food
additives and nutritional supplements.
In June the company announced it teamed up with Mineworx Technologies, a mine process technology
company, to build the components of the modular
plant in Coquitlam, B.C. According to EnviroLeach,
it will process some ten tonnes of e-waste per day
and cost an estimated $5.15 million
EnviroLeach claims the plant, which is expected to
be commissioned by the end of the year, will be the
largest chemistry-based e-waste processing facility
in North America. According to Nelson, some plants
use aqua regia, which uses nitric and hydrochloric
acid to dissolve gold and creates poisonous gasses,
and do not operate on the same scale.
Nelson says that in addition to being
environmentally damaging, aqua regia is inefficient.
Acids and cyanides consume themselves during the
process, whereas the solution used in EnviroLeach’s
process is recyclable. Once it is “re-energized” it
is good as new
EnviroLeach acquired the intellectual property
rights to the formula it will use in the plant for
$10.1 million two years ago and has been working
with a team of scientists – including two University
of British Columbia PhD researchers – to develop it
further. According to Nelson, the plant will feature
a series of machines that will be used to grind the
e-waste down to around -200 microns.
The solution, he explained, is “energized” using an
electrochemical process that endows it with leach
kinetics that are equal to or superior to cyanide.
Shredded e-waste is then placed in the solution,
which, over two hours, dissolves it into various
metal-bearing solutions that are filtered and
extracted using a proprietary process.
The plant is considered an “end of life processor,”
meaning it is where high-grade e-waste ends up once
it has been dismantled into various parts by
manufacturers’ recyclers
Nelson said EnviroLeach has already teamed up with
major e-waste recyclers and “household name”
manufacturers. While the company has not named them,
he said they plan to in the next three to four
The end product comes out in a sludge that will be
dried and sold to refineries. Nelson said he
anticipates that the company will produce 2,500
grams on a daily basis with production costs of $200
per tonne of waste processed
EnviroLeach’s process could “change the face of
mining” by serving as an environmentally friendly
alternative to acid leaching, Nelson said. “Outside
of heap leach, our fluid is as effective in any
bath-leach situation,” he said
The process could be used with “any relatively high
grade material or gold concentrate that is produced
from gravity concentration or flotation
concentration. We’ve actually even run tailings with
great success,” Nelson said, adding that with the
process miners could avoid needing to obtain permits
to process materials
The process caught the attention of Jim Pucket,
executive director of the Basel Action Network, a
Seattle-based NGO that works to reduce the export of
toxic waste from technology to developing countries.
Pucket said it could be exported to the developing
world and help reduce the use of toxic e-waste
recycling methods like aqua regia.
But Pucket has some reservations. “At some point you
need to tell people what you’re using,” he said. “I
can’t believe that anything that can cut and
dissolve gold is completely benign.”Nelson said that
he understands such apprehensions. “Everyone we’ve
shared the solution with was skeptical at the
start,” said Nelson. He said that while the company
may never publicly disclose what is in the solution,
he is open to working with third parties or using
non-disclosure agreements to gain environmental
According to Statistics Canada, Canadians generated
about 24 kilograms of e-waste per person in 2012, or
more than 860,000 tonnes for the country as a whole