LITHIUM - TOMORROWS GOLD - See 2018 Best Performers
Our Pick - Dajin Resources - DJIFF OTC - DJI TSX.V - GERMANY C2U1 - Deutsche - Report
Lithium Players Emerging Big, Be Prepared For A Huge Move Up -SummaryLithium is crucial to the future production of Electric cars. Expectations for the future anticipated number of Electric cars to be built has increased, and with it, the value of Lithium, essential for the Lithium-ion batteries that propel them. Lithium producers show huge share value gains as mining concerns gear up in South America. Six producers are profiled with a case being presented for an expected move up in share value for NRG. A take away provides reasons for this expectation and names additional companies to provide a complete watch list for interested investors. |
LithiumIf you are unaware, Lithium is the crucial white powder charging Lithium-ion batteries and helping to power the future. Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) and Volkswagen (OTCPK:VLKAY), starting from a small global base, wish to exceed past electric car production.
Major Lithium producers are up significantly over the last three years compared to the S&P 500 index total returns. Two had a three year performance increase of 64.59% and 50.82%, respectively. Leading Small Players May Have Big Yearly Gains 2018