High Income - High Risk  11.8 %

Founded in 1997




Epic Corp  (“EPOR”) can provide a higher yield of 28.8% to 34% or higher with its quarterly common stock dividend to convertible preferred shareholders and a 11.2% to 27.2% with the 7.5% semi-annual common stock dividend to its common stock shareholders.   

Epic Corp can provide investors with a variable annual yield of between a low of 11.8% to a high of 34%,or higher.

Call Ron Tucker @ 949-232-7694 for details rtucker@epiccor.com  www.epiccor.com



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An investor can loose all his money by investing in risk income products .Before invseting seek the advice of an investment professional or your attorney
This is an advertisement paid for by Epic Corp
EPIC CORPORATION The Dividend Company